In 2017 Barry and I left our successful corporate jobs to start our own business. While we didn’t become billionaires, we did learn quite a bit.
When we first started our business we tried out a lot of different things and for the online component the same issue kept coming up which was we have awesome things to sell, but how do we get traffic to our sites.
We experimented with a lot of different avenues and then Barry had a thought which was why don’t we figure out how to use social media to generate traffic and sales. So the first attempt was to see how we could build a following and we picked Twitter as a platform. Starting with my personal Twitter account, I was able to grow it to over 5,000 followers in short order. If you don’t believe me you can see for yourself here
From there we learned how to develop content that creates traffic. Suddenly we were able to turn the online component to our business around! Ever since then, social media marketing has been a passion of mine. I’ve learned a lot of ways not to do things in the social media world.
We started this blog to empower you to leverage social media so you can start generating social cents!